Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 50: Cleaning Stove Burners without Scrubbing (success).

Can you believe it??  We're 50 days into 2014 -- and even more surprising, I've posted 50 consecutive days!  Okay, back to business...

Pinterest pin and website link.

I had no idea what a Viking stove top was when we bought our house, but despite all the hype, I haven't ever been that happy with it (who wants to cook six things at once anyway?? My family is lucky if there are two things on the table!).  I can't complain about how it cooks, though, but instead, how dirty it always looks.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
When I saw this "no scrub" pin, I decided to try it -- and it really works!  Be warned -- it's not a miracle, so my perfectionism is a bit bothered that not all the spots were completely removed, but with a good 12+ hour "soak" in ammonia fumes and a quick scrub with a bristle brush, most of the spots were removed and the end result is so much better!
One thing I did notice is that my burners are huge (I had to buy XL Ziploc bags instead of gallon size) and the burners seemed to clean up better when I used 1/2 cup of ammonia in each bag versus 1/4 cup (like she says, you're not trying to soak the burner since it's the ammonia fumes that do the cleaning).  Also, make sure to position the top of your burner (the greasy part with spots) down to the ammonia fumes when you lay it on your cookie sheet outside.  As you can see, I did that with the front burner in the following picture, but not the back one.  I noticed a distinct cleaning difference when the fumes were facing towards the part of the burner you wanted to be cleaned rather than away from the burner.
I want it to stay this way, so I may never cook again...
Verdict: success!

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