Thursday, March 13, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days -- Week 1 Update.

I'm one week in to my "40 Bags in 40 Days" project, and I love how it's helping me to get our house organized without feeling overwhelmed.  I haven't been the best at taking "before" and "after" shots, but I have at least taken an "after" to show the final result!

1. Family room cabinet: the first place I cleaned was this large space in our family room, as I wanted to clear it completely out and use it as a docking station where I could put things to donate or consign behind closed doors.  It's worked perfectly -- it's out of sight from my kids (for some reason, they never look in here!) and when too many bags are collected, I have to get rid of them to make more space!
2. Library books: 
The books are now stored with tote bags and receipt showing when the books are due.
The basket is easily stored away when we're done reading.
3. Kids' old clothing (newborn to 3T): I'd recently gone through my son's old clothes and given them to a friend to use (the empty Sterilite bins pictured below), but I still needed to go through my daughter's clothes.  
I decided that instead of keeping a ton of their baby clothes, I'd pick a few (around 10 items for each kiddo), wash and save those in their baby boxes, plus print a picture of them wearing that item to go alongside the clothing item.  That way, if they (or their future spouse!) wants to take a picture of their children in these clothes, they'll also have a picture of the original wearer in that item!  My mom did that for two of my dresses, and I appreciated the item even more from seeing the pictures!
Girl clothes, ready to find a new home.
4. Puzzles / Games closet: 
Unorganized mess before.
And after -- it's difficult to see, but the shelves are labeled (adult games, kid puzzles, etc.) and I gave away 2 bags of games / puzzles that we no longer use.
5. Kitchen junk drawers: 
And I was so excited by that organization, that I continued in the cabinet above:
6. Son's closet:
7. Son's bookshelf:
Even if I did no more spaces (which won't happen!), I'd consider this project a success!

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