Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 76: Cleaning Grout (fail).

Pinterest pin and website link.

The pinned picture for this looked so promising, but it didn't work (for me) as pictured.  The grout was definitely cleaner, but not even close to its pristine white, clean state that it was in when originally installed.

3-1/2 cups water
1/4 cup baking soda
2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons of ammonia
2 tablespoons vinegar
I'm embarrassed to post this on the Internet, but here is what the grout looks like in our master shower.  Yuck.
  1. Mix the ingredients, pour into a spray bottle, and shake the bottle vigorously.
  2. Spray the grout generously, allowing time for the mixture to absorb into the grout.
  3. Scrub the grout vigorously with a tile grout brush.  Be careful to avoid the mixture getting into your eyes.
  4. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe each line of grout immediately after scrubbing.
  5. Mop and towel dry the entire area.

I'm planning to try an OxiClean solution next week mentioned in the blog's comment section, but I want to be extremely careful to wait until all the ammonia is out of the shower.  Evidently, mixing bleach (OxiClean) and ammonia (from this mixture) is toxic.  I don't know the length of time to wait, but I'll give it a few days.

Verdict: FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry. You may have failed at that attempt, but there will still be another time for you to try it out again. Cleaning is a trial and error thing sometimes, yet it is also full of odds that can be minimized, by inspecting all the methods and solutions used and maybe supplanting them with methods that are basically more proven and guaranteed. Good luck!

    Veronica Newton @ Dry First
